Paulina Derbez es una violinista clásica y vanguardista multi premiada, Tedx ponente y autora del libro El Músico Consciente. Da conciertos, cursos y conferencias en países tales como Canada, México, Austria, Italia y Suiza.
“Mexicanos Distinguidos 2019”
Gobierno de México IME
«Una de los 50 personalidades que transforman México 2013»
Revista Quién
«Una de los Top ten mexicanos más exitosos en Canadá»
The Globe and Mail
“Paulina Derbez conquista Koerner Hall”
Television México al día
Trailer de Batte Cuore!
Batte Cuore es una travesía que pretende dar a la gente la posibilidad de entrar en su corazón a través de los sonidos y las sensaciones de las piezas, la historia y la voz. La transformación, el asombro, la reflexión y la curiosidad son elementos clave en Batte Cuore. La representación es en español, italiano e inglés y tiene una duración de 60 minutos. Está dirigida al público en general. Para mayor información acerca del espectáculo favor the hacer click aquí
«Reflections of the Heart» a composition for violin, voice and nature by Paulina Derbez was short listed in the Petrichor International Music Competition 2022. For more information visit 2022 Music Competition | Petrichor Records
“Paulina’s performance was wonderful… it took me into a beautiful journey…it was more than a concert”
Annis Tebbutt, St Olave’s Guild Art
The Conscious Musician Seminar
“The Conscious Musician Program is exactly the missing component to classical musical curriculums”
Y.Lee, M.Mus, Guildahll School of Music

Testimonials – The Conscious Musician Seminar in Toronto
“I feel much more confident and relaxed when I perform. I have a clear idea in my mind about the pieces I play. Now my relationship with music is fantastic and powerful. I have a closer and deeper relationship with the violin. I discovered in The Conscious Musician Seminar thar my mission as an artist is to help people to forget in a concert about their problems and touch their hearts”
Rogerio Pérez, bachelor in violin University of Veracruz
«My relationship with music has become much deeper. When I do visual motor rehearsal, I can see the pieces from above and understand how to phrase a musical piece. I see the violin to connect with other dimensions, to connect with the source of each musical work. I don’t compare my self any more with other violinists. I now believe that my mission as an artist is to show the audience other realities where they can also connect with the source of music and transform themselves in a musical event. I have become a sonic character on the stage and feel in my heart every emotion I want to express.»
Rosa Romero, bachelor’s in music education University of Veracruz
“Rosa and Rogerio played so beautifully and with such passion and precisión at the presentation of The Conscious Musician Seminar in Toronto. All the students were fantastic!”
Jacqui O’Casey, Iyengar teacher
«As a composer deeply Immersed in the transformative power of music, I was deeply affected by Paulina Derbez’s ‘The Invisible Force of Music.’ This book is a moving exploration into how music can tap into our mind and heart, unlocking potentials in performance and beyond??. Derbez delves into the mystical force of sound, providing insightful guidance on establishing a profound, authentic relationship with music, which transcends mere entertainment to become a transcendental experience for both performers and audiences??. ‘The Invisible Force of Music’ is not just a guide; it’s a journey to discovering one’s true artistic capabilities and connecting with the mystical dimension of music. It’s a must-read for anyone eager to explore the deeper realms of musical art and its impact on humanity??.
Multi Award Winning Composer, Producer and Best-Selling Author
Barry Goldstein
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